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Proverbs 24:3

Amanda Cole, Realtor and Personal Financial Coach

Welcome to my blog~

I am passionate about life... My commitment is to love people well. I accomplish this (most of the time) by sharing my life experiences which happens to do mostly with real estate and financial coaching.

My goals are to be transparent, educational, kind and always tells the truth.

To all my friends below . . . thanks for the priviledge of letting me serve you. Live well!


This is my professional reference page straight from the mouths of my clients - welcome!

Monday, November 26, 2012

A Time for Everything - thank you Matt & Sarah

Almost three years ago we contacted Amanda to help us look for a house. It was January and our first appointment was cancelled due to snow and ice. Enough had melted by the next day that we were able to make it out of our apartment complex parking lot and drive to the homes on our list. Over the next few months we looked at dozens of homes on multiple outings trying to find the perfect place. Amanda stuck with us and was patient and helpful. She treated us like friends more than clients and it was so refreshing after previous agents we had worked with. We were looking for a house for ourselves and an ill family member and were trying to find where God would have us be. After many frustrations and dead ends we finally found the home we wanted to buy. We felt a peace and a calling that God didn't actually care about the house itself, just that we took the next steps. It felt strange at the time, but we soon found out why. After living in the house for a short time things started to fall apart. Our good intentions didn't pan out and it seemed that all of the plans we had made, thinking they were God's, were falling through the cracks. We didn't realize at the time all we were being taught. We desired clarity and God was teaching us faith. We put the house on the market and hoped for a speedy sale. We waited. And waited. And waited. Two years passed and after many showings, we didn't have even the slightest nibble. During these two years quite a bit happened. The home we were trying desperately to make a distant memory was weaving itself deep into the fabric of our story. We saw our two children born and pass on to heaven. We saw community come around us and support us in ways that pass understanding. We saw our marriage grow and we saw growth in ways that seemed impossible. Despite the work that was being done there was still a constant frustration that this chapter of our lives that we wanted closed would not finish. We were two weeks from taking the house off the market for the holidays and deciding what would come next when we got a call for a house showing. It was just like any other and we didn't think anything of it, until we got a call back that the folks that came by were very interested. That night we got our first offer. Everything went as smoothly as possible and less than a month later we were sitting at the closing table across from a very nice couple moving to Georgia to be closer to their first grandchild. Amanda told us early on that God had the right people for us and that it was just a matter of time for them to show up. This is exactly what happened. It took some time, but I have no doubt this was exactly how it was meant to be. We are so thankful for Amanda and all her encouragement and support over the past few years. She has become a friend and we truly appreciate her being in our lives. We are excited to move on and start the next chapter. We've learned not to stress over making it perfect, but to trust God that it will be according to His will for our lives. Whatever happens, we know it will be leading us deeper into the story we are writing and closer to the Kingdom story we all are writing every day. Matt and Sarah

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